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Responsabilité et Environnement - N° 100 - Octobre 2020 - La biodiversité entre urgences et complexité


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N° 101 - January 2021 - Education and training for the environmental and societal transition

Issue editors: Cécile Renouard and Rémi Beau

Préface : Barbara POMPILI,

Ministre de la Transition écologique

Introduction :

Barbara Pompili,
minister of the Environmental Transition


Cécile Renouard,
professor of philosophy, Centre Sèvres (Jesuit Faculty of Paris), École des Mines de Paris, ESSEC and Sciences Po;
Rémi Beau,
researcher in philosophy, CNRS, Institut d’Écologie et des Sciences de l’Environnement de Paris, Sorbonne University

Which transitions to teach?


For a history of the energy and material symbioses

Jean-Baptiste Fressoz,
historian, Centre de Recherches Historiques, CNRS-EHESS


Between crises and transitions: What education for public health?

Cyrille Harpet,
research professor, École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique de Rennes (EHESP), assistant director of the research unit Arenes (UMR 6051)


An education for which environmental transition?

Luc Abbadie,
professor of environmental studies, Sorbonne University


The difficult conversion of research in econo­mics to a concern for the environment

Quentin Couix,
Centre d’Économie, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University; and Gaël Giraud, CNRS, Environmental Justice Program, Georgetown University, Washington, DC


On the right use of mathematical models

Ivar Ekeland,
professor emeritus, Paris-Dauphine University and University of British Columbia


Interview with Dominique Bourg,

philosopher and honorary professor, Lausanne University


Research professors faced with disciplines undergoing the transition


Educational issues related to the transitions in farming and the food supply: Diversity and complexity

Patrick Caron,
ART-DEV, Montpellier University, CIRAD


A science of encounters: Ecology at the service of multidisciplinary educational approaches

Hélène Barbé,
Laboratoire Écologie, Systématique et Évolution (ESE), Paris-Saclay University;
Caroline Vincent,
ESE, Paris-Saclay University;
Cécile Blatrix,
professor of political science, AgroParisTech, Laboratoire Professions, Institutions, Temporalités (CNRS-UVSQ);
Nathalie Frascaria-Lacoste,
professor of evolutionary ecology and environmental engineer, AgroParisTech, ESE, Paris-Saclay University


Metamorphoses of the law to cope with the requi­rements of the environmental transition

Kathia Martin-Chenut,
research director in legal studies, CNRS, Institut de Sciences Juridiques et Philosophiques de la Sorbonne (UMR 8103 ISJPS – CNRS/Paris 1 University);
Camila Perruso,
postdoctoral student, Institut des Sciences Philosophiques et Juridiques de la Sorbonne


Interview with Marc Dufumier,

agroeconomist, specialist of farming systems and their evolution

Alternative educations: National and international examples


Educations for living in the Anthropocene epoch

Nathanaël Wallenhorst,
associate professor HDR, Catholic University of the West (UCO, Angers);
Renaud Hétier,
professor, UCO


A university education in the Anthropocene epoch: A Norwegian perspective

Frédérique Brossard Børhaug,
professor of the science of education, VID Specialized University (Stavanger, Norway)


Interview with Mark Swilling,

distinguished professor of sustainable development, School of Public Leadership, University of Stellenbosch, visiting professor at the universities of Sheffield and Utrecht, and Bass Scholar at Yale University

From knowledge to skills: Job training for the transition


From observations to actions: The issues of occu­pational training for the environmental transitions

Jacques-Olivier Garda,
engineer ICAM, MBA Sciences Po, Innov’Active


Educating architects for the environmental and social transition

Dimitri Toubanos,
architect, urban planner, associate professor, ENSA Paris Val-de-Seine, ENSA Paris-Belleville and Sciences Po Paris, researcher at EVCAU and associate researcher at LIAT;
Philippe Villien,
architect, urban planner, associate professor, ENSA Paris-Belleville, researcher IPRAUS, UMR AUSser


Four families of “competences” for the socioe­cological transformation

Gérald Majou de la Debutrie,
special advisor on sustainable development and societal responsibility, Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE)


Training for the environmental transition in firms

David Laurent
Méliné Reita,
Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE)


Interview with Alain Grandjean,

economist and consultant, president of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation and cofounder of Carbone 4



Policies for protecting biodiversity and ‟ecolo­gical redlining” in Chine: What implications for COP15?

Juliette Landry, Aleksandar Rankovic
Lucien Chabason,
Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales (IDDRI)







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