La série Réalités Industrielles publie trimestriellement des dossiers thématiques sur des sujets importants pour le développement industriel et économique. Piloté par un spécialiste du secteur sous l’égide du Comité de rédaction de la série, chaque dossier présente une large gamme de points de vue complémentaires, en faisant appel à des auteurs issus à la fois de l’enseignement et de la recherche, de l’entreprise, de l’administration ainsi que du monde politique et associatif. Voir la gouvernance de la série




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Février 2017 - La biologie industrielle : enjeux technologiques, économiques et sociétaux

Role of Nutritional Therapy in Healthcare Innovation: The Need for Reshaping Regulatory Paradigms

By Manfred RUTHSATZ,
PhD Nestlé Health Science, Global Head of Regulatory Advocacy


Over the next decades, the world will undergo profound changes, with its population approaching ten billion, senior citizens making up one out of five, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) increasingly outnumbering infectious diseases [1], and healthcare costs threatening to reach an ever higher percentage of countries’ GDPs. As daunting as these figures might appear, new scientific insights and technological opportunities coming at an unprecedented pace promise new perspectives and potential solutions to currently unmet needs. ‘Omics’ diagnostics will revolutionize the way we approach prevention, personalize nutrition in healthcare, and how a patient is to be defined. Novel nutrition therapeutic findings will transform disease management, and the microbiome will become a new force in targeting holistic healthcare solutions. This article presents pertinent focus areas to encourage dialogue with regulators, policy makers, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders to revisit current regulatory and policy frameworks at the food-medicine continuum and their respective interpretation, with regards to healthcare.


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February 2017 - Industrial biology: the technological, economic and societal issues of biotechnology

Role of Nutritional Therapy in Healthcare Innovation: The Need for Reshaping Regulatory Paradigms

Manfred Ruthsatz,
PhD, Nestlé Health Science, Global Head of Regulatory Advocacy


Over the next decades, the world will undergo profound changes, with its population approaching ten billion, senior citizens making up one out of five, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) increasingly outnumbering infectious diseases, and healthcare costs threatening to reach an ever higher percentage of countries’ GDPs. As daunting as these figures might appear, new scientific insights and technological opportunities coming at an unprecedented pace promise new perspectives and potential solutions to currently unmet needs. ‘Omics’ diagnostics will revolutionize the way we approach prevention, personalize nutrition in healthcare, and how a patient is to be defined. Novel nutrition therapeutic findings will transform disease management, and the microbiome will become a new force in targeting holistic healthcare solutions.
This article presents pertinent focus areas to encourage dialogue with regulators, policy makers, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders to revisit current regulatory and policy frameworks at the food-medicine continuum and their respective interpretation, with regards to healthcare.


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Febrero 2017 - La biología industrial, desafíos tecnológicos, económicos y sociales

Role of Nutritional Therapy in Healthcare Innovation: The Need for Reshaping Regulatory Paradigms (El rol de la Terapia Nutricional en la Innovación Sanitaria. La necesidad de reformar los paradigmas regulatorios)

Manfred Ruthsatz,
Nestlé Health Science, Jefe mundial de asuntos reglamentarios


Over the next decades, the world will undergo profound changes, with its population approaching ten billion, senior citizens making up one out of five, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) increasingly outnumbering infectious diseases, and healthcare costs threatening to reach an ever higher percentage of countries’ GDPs. As daunting as these figures might appear, new scientific insights and technological opportunities coming at an unprecedented pace promise new perspectives and potential solutions to currently unmet needs. ‘Omics’ diagnostics will revolutionize the way we approach prevention, personalize nutrition in healthcare, and how a patient is to be defined. Novel nutrition therapeutic findings will transform disease management, and the microbiome will become a new force in targeting holistic healthcare solutions.
This article presents pertinent focus areas to encourage dialogue with regulators, policy makers, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders to revisit current regulatory and policy frameworks at the food-medicine continuum and their respective interpretation, with regards to healthcare.


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Les Annales des Mines

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