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"Captage, stockage et utilisation du carbone"



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Responsabilité et Environnement -  N° 105 - Janvier 2022 - Captage, stockage et utilisation du carbone


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N° 105 - January 2022 - Carbon capture, storage and use

Issue editors : Dominique Auverlot and Richard Lavergne


Former Executive Director


Dominique AUVERLOT

Achieving global climate goals (1.5°C) would be socially and economically unacceptable without the use of CCUS and other GGR (Greenhouse Gas Removal)


Net zero commitments drive global momentum for CCUS

Mary Burce Warlick,
Deputy Executive Director, International Energy Agency (IEA)


State of the art of CCS and CCUS: description, cost, constraints

Pierre-Franck Chevet, François Kalaydjian and Guy Maisonnier,
IFP Énergies nouvelles (IFPEN)


Global overview of CO2 storage potential

Isabelle Czernichowski-Lauriol,
Delegate for research and public policy support at BRGM, President Emeritus of the CO2GeoNet association and member of the Board of Directors of the French CO2 Club,
Christophe Poinssot,
Deputy Director General and Scientific Director of BRGM


The development of UK CCUS strategy and current plans for large-scale deployment of this technology

Jon Gibbins,
UK CCS Research Centre, University of Sheffield,
Mathieu Lucquiaud,
University of Edinburgh

State of the art of CCUS and other RMM processes


CCUS and Coal ‒ Are there still development opportunities for coal plants?

Sylvie Cornot-Gandolphe,
president of SCG Consulting


CCS projects underway at TotalEnergies

David Nevicato,
Head of business development and partnerships for the CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) division at TotalEnergies


ExxonMobil: Carbon capture is critical to attaining society’s emission-reduction goals

Joe Blommaert,
President, ExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions


The opportunities offered by the CCUS to decarbonize French industry

Benoît Legait,
Honorary Engineer General of Mines


The potential of geological storage of CO2 by mineralization

Sylvain Delerce,
Graduate engineer from AgroParisTech,
and Éric H. Oelkers,
Director of research at the CNRS


No decarbonization of the aviation sector without CO2 capture and storage

Dominique Vignon,
Member of the French Academy of Technologies


Social acceptability of CO2 capture, transport, use and storage technologies: a task of adjusting the technical project and the stakeholders

Jonas Pigeon,
Doctor in spatial planning

The development of negative emissions


Carbon storage in soils

Claire Chenu,
UMR Ecosys, Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, AgroParisTech,
Jean-Luc Chotte,
UMR Eco&Sols, IRD, CIRAD, INRAE, Université de Montpellier, SupAgro Montpellier,
and Paul Luu,
Executive Secretariat of the International ‟4 by 1000” Initiative


Direct Air Capture (DAC) in Germany: resource implications of a possible rollout in 2045

Simon Block,
Research assistant in the Division of Future Energy and Industry Systems at the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy,
Peter Viebahn,
Head of the Research Unit Sectors and Technologies within the Division of Future Energy and Industry Systems at the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy


Geoengineering - Perspectives, limits and risks

Ilarion Pavel,
Ingénieur en chef des Mines ‒ Conseil général de l’Économie, de l’Industrie, de l’Énergie et des Technologies


Geoengineering and solar radiation management

Anni Määttänen,
Sorbonne université, UVSQ Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS





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